The meeting point of two lines or planes; the figure formed by the junction of two lines or planes; the space bounded on two sides by lines or planes that meet. For angle’s not listed below, see the descriptive term; e.g., axioincisal, distobuccal, labiogingival, linguogingival (2), mesiogingival, proximobuccal, etc. Syn: angulus [NA].
[L. angulus]
acromial angle
acute angle
adjacent angle
alpha angle
alveolar angle
angle of anomaly
anorectal angle
angle of antetorsion
angle of anteversion
angle of aperture
apical angle
axial angle
basilar angle
Bennett angle
beta angle
biorbital angle
Broca’s angles
Broca’s basilar angle
Broca’s facial angle
buccal angles
bucco-occlusal angle
cardiodiaphragmatic angle
cardiohepatic angle
cardiophrenic angle
carrying angle
cavity line angle
cavosurface angle
cephalic angle
cephalomedullary angle
cerebellopontile angle
cerebellopontine angle
costal angle
costophrenic angle
craniofacial angle
critical angle
cusp angle
Daubenton’s angle
angle of declination
angle of depression
angle of deviation
disparity angle
duodenojejunal angle
angle of eccentricity
angle of emergence
epigastric angle
ethmoid angle
facial angle
angle of femoral torsion
filtration angle
flip angle
Frankfort-mandibular incisor angle
frontal angle of parietal bone
angle of Fuchs
gamma angle
hypsiloid angle
impedance angle
angle of incidence
incident angle
incisal guide angle
angle of inclination
inferior angle of scapula
infrasternal angle
iridocorneal angle
angle of iris
Jacquart’s facial angle
angle of jaw
kappa angle
lateral angle of eye
lateral angle of scapula
lateral angle of uterus
limiting angle
line angle
Louis‘ angle
Lovibond’s angle
Ludwig’s angle
lumbosacral angle
angle of mandible
mastoid angle of parietal bone
maxillary angle
medial angle of eye
mesial angle
metafacial angle
meter angle
angle of mouth
neck-shaft angle
occipital angle of parietal bone
olfactory angle
ophryospinal angle
parietal angle
pelvivertebral angle
phrenopericardial angle
Pirogoff’s angle
point angle
angle of polarization
pontine angle
pubic angle
Q angle
Quatrefages‘ angle
Ranke’s angle
angle of reflection
refracting angle of a prism
angle of refraction
Rolando’s angle
Serres‘ angle
S-N-A angle
S-N-B angle
sphenoid angle
sphenoidal angle of parietal bone
sternal angle
sternoclavicular angle
subpubic angle
substernal angle
superior angle of scapula
sylvian angle
tentorial angle
Topinard’s facial angle
angle of torsion
venous angle
Virchow-Holder angle
Virchow’s angle
visual angle
Vogt’s angle
Weisbach’s angle
Welcker’s angle